• It Takes a Village

    It Takes a Village – Featuring Megan Kober

    We are continuing with our new feature, “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” on our blog! Another awesome peep with ideas to help you have it ALL. Meet Megan Kober. We met as featured health professionals at Nutrition Simply.  Nutrition Simply believes wellness shouldn’t have to be complicated and being healthy should be doable, even fun!!! Megan and I have similar thoughts about cheating…”cheat meals” that is. I thought you’d enjoy hearing and learning from her about the ridiculousness of this concept. Let’s hear it for Megan… “CHEAT MEALS” “What exactly are you cheating on? Your diet? I mean, you probably shouldn’t be on one in the first place. Can’t we just…

  • All of Nutrition,  The Knockout Method

    Butter is Back!

    By Claudia Wilson Dietary fat is not the foe it once was 20 or even 10 years ago. There is a growing body of research that is uncovering too many carbohydrates in the diet as the culprit of many diseases, not fat. It doesn’t mean that we need to cut carbs totally out, but reducing them to more moderate levels would help – something that automatically happens by following TKM. I know the nutritional advice being thrown around now can be very confusing. Every year it is something different. Eat this, don’t eat that!  Oh wait, scratch that! Well, let’s see. Okay, hold please for more research.  It’s not that us as dietitians…

  • It Takes a Village

    It Takes a Village – Featuring Jennifer Diaz

    You know what we’re ALL about!  We’re here to help you have it ALL!  And often times, “it takes a village” to accomplish things on your TO-DO list and feel your best.  Today we’re continuing our new feature, “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” on our blog. When you see this title it means you’re hearing from another talented friend with MORE ideas to help you have it ALL. Meet Jennifer Diaz. We met as featured health professionals at Nutrition Simply.  Nutrition Simply believes wellness shouldn’t have to be complicated and being healthy should be doable, even fun!!! In my last post I talked about how important sleep is when it comes…

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  • Health,  Lifestyle

    Sleepy Much?

    By Claudia Wilson You’ve probably heard or read that sleep is important. Sleep significantly influences how you behave. Adequate sleep keeps you mentally sharp, reduces the stress you feel, and repairs the wear and tear the body receives during its waking hours. Inadequate sleep makes you less productive, slower in general, more stressed, and the lack of sleep weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness, like just a simple cold. Sleep is also related to our body size. Research shows that there’s a link between inadequate sleep and weight gain and that less than 5 hours of sleep per night can mess with your hormones, slow down your…

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    It Takes A Village – Featuring Stephanie Webb

    If you’ve been following along or visited our site, you know that ALL OF NUTRITION is about helping you have it ALL! We want you to find peace with food and victory over your conflicts and struggles with food and your body. We want you to feel strong, capable and beautiful. Sometimes, “it takes a village” to achieve everything you’d like to, and sometimes it takes lots of ideas from numerous sources to help you feel your best.  We’re introducing a new feature on our blog, “IT TAKES A VILLAGE.” You’ll hear from talented folks giving you MORE ideas to help you have it ALL. Our first post in this…

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  • All of Nutrition,  Protein + Carb Combo,  The Knockout Method,  Uncategorized

    Energy Bars?

    By Claudia Wilson It’s always helpful to have a fairly non-perishable, pre-packaged snack on hand. Especially one that fits nicely in THEONE-TWO PUNCH. The term “energy bar” makes me laugh a little. Technically, all food gives us energy (calories). With food manufacturing and technology at an all time high, lots of grab-n-go foods get put in this category. However, when I think of an energy bar, I think of something that is balanced. And that means it contains protein, as well as some fat. I think of protein bars. I get asked a lot about protein bars and how they fit in OTP. As with food choices, I recommend you…

  • All of Nutrition,  The Knockout Method,  Uncategorized

    In Real Life

    By Claudia Wilson No two people are doing the exact same thing at the exact same time every day.  No way. Even identical twins, with the same DNA, will have different physical needs every day. So why do we adopt meal plans or diets meant for masses of people? It’s not realistic that one plan will work for everyone. There are SO many differences!!! Not only do we have different bodies, but we have different preferences. Thank goodness, right? I can’t stand some food items that other people find amazing! And then we all have different skill sets. Some of us cook; others of us are challenged by boiling water (without…

  • The Knockout Method,  Uncategorized

    3 Steps to Starting The ONE-TWO PUNCH

    You’re probably wondering what all this talk of THE ONE-TWO PUNCH is about. Maybe you’ve seen it on Instagram or Facebook and you’re a little confused on where to start. We get it. The essentials of THE ONE-TWO PUNCH include three simple things: BURN, BALANCE and BECOME. If you want to get started with THEONE-TWO PUNCH, follow the steps in BURN, BALANCE and BECOME. BURN The first, and most crucial part, of THE ONE-TWO PUNCH is BURN; eating when you are hungry. Think of your stomach as an incinerator. When the incinerator door is open (when you’re hungry), your body will BURN and use anything you put in it. When you…

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    Breakfast is Served!

    By Claudia Wilson The definition of breakfast is that it’s the first meal of the day. Because of that, it’s most often eaten in the early morning, before beginning the day’s activities.  The word literally means breaking the fast from the previous night. Some people say it should be when you first awake; others say it should be within an hour of waking. In THEONE-TWO PUNCH, there’s no exact time breakfast should be eaten. When is the best time to eat breakfast in OTP? It’s when you are most likely to BURN it – so, it should be eaten the first time you feel hungry after waking up. For some, that is when…

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    By Claudia Wilson Many of you may be wondering how alcohol fits within THE ONE-TWO PUNCH. Of course it fits. One of the primary reasons for creating OTP is to provide structure and balance, while still allowing you to eat your favorite foods. For some people, that’s alcohol! Technically, alcohol is a different nutrient than carbohydrate, protein or fat. For the purposes of OTP, a serving of alcohol (beer, wine, whiskey, liqueur) is considered a carbohydrate. By this I mean, if you want alcohol, consider a serving as your fist of carbohydrate and balance it with a fist of protein. Having a beer with a burger might not be a…