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    5 Reasons Diets are a DRAG!

    By Claudia Wilson Do you feel like this on a diet? It’s so stressful, frustrating, exasperating – aaaahhhhhhh!!!! To the point that you say, I give up! And with good reason. Here’s why they don’t go so well (but stay tuned because I tell you how to achieve health and the body you want in a much easier way): 1. Too Rigid, Too Many Rules Imagine trying to drive your car at an exact distance from the center yellow dotted or solid line. Exact. Any wavering and you would be given a ticket, automatically. No wiggle room at all. It would be like white-knuckling our way through dense fog, just…

  • All of Nutrition,  The Knockout Method

    H2O Habit

    By Claudia Wilson Let’s get right to the point – how much water should you drink? Here it is: Divide your weight (lbs) in half. Those are the ounces of water you need per day to keep you well hydrated. For every hour of exercise, add 16 ounces. For example: Weight = 150 lbs ÷ 2 = 75oz water per day +16oz water for an hour of walking =91oz water per day These are my recommendations; that’s your baseline. For some of you it means significantly increasing your water intake. I’m aware that it also means you are significantly increasing the number of times you’re visiting the restroom. Well, would…

  • All of Nutrition,  The Knockout Method

    Full Confession

    By Claudia Wilson Full Confession… I don’t like salmon.  There, I’ve said it.  It’s out of the way and we can move on, maybe.  Maybe you’ve decided that in spite of my knowledge, experience and the ridiculous initials after my name, that I might not have anything to offer you. Because I don’t like salmon? If you’re still reading, I have more to confess.  I don’t like dark chocolate.  I know, I know.  Oh, wait, you have a dark chocolate brand that I would really like?  You think tha  t I just haven’t had the “right” dark chocolate, otherwise I would enjoy it?  Ya, ya, I’ve heard it all. Believe me, I’m…

  • All of Nutrition

    OTP: What it IS, What it ISN’T.

    By Claudia Wilson THE ONE-TWO PUNCH (OTP) can, at first glance, be considered a form of portion control. By visualizing your fist for the amount of protein and amount of carbohydrate you have you are essentially measuring, but I like to call it guesstimating, eyeballing, sizing up, so to speak. Practicing OTP will likely increase the amount of protein you are eating. And it will likely decrease the amount of carbohydrate you are eating. It’s supposed to do that. It’s intentional. And it will more than likely increase the amount of fat you are eating. Intentional again. And, yes, I STRONGLY believe that OTP could also be called HOW TO…

  • All of Nutrition

    What’s With All the Initials? GEEZ!

    By Claudia Wilson I know it’s obnoxious. Basically I’m a very highly trained, experienced and certified EATING COACH. It’s a lot of initials but my first love is talking and interacting with people. Looking at ALL aspects of a person’s life, interviewing them essentially. Understanding them to the point that I can convey my knowledge and experience to empower them to feel good; to feel peaceful and triumphant – the olive logo is intentional! I love my job and have a ton of fun, but yes, I worked very hard first. I’ll break down the acronyms for you: MS – Master’s of science in foods and nutrition, with an emphasis…

  • The Knockout Method

    Tired of tracking, measuring, counting to get desired results?

    By Claudia Wilson How many diets have you tried?  How many diets haven’t you tried? All the plans out there promising the body you want, the energy you want, the promise that you’ll feel better if you just follow this ______.  How long do they last?  How do you feel while you’re doing them?  Most often I hear anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. When I ask why the person stopped, most say they just couldn’t take it anymore; it took too much time and was making them more stressed – certainly not a feeling of health, even if it did bring a temporary desired effect.  In addition they…

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  • All of Nutrition

    Let’s Start with the Olive

    By Claudia Wilson Why The Olive Logo? Besides the clever play on words (say it: OLIVE, ALL OF…), the olive branch has long been held as a sign of peace or victory. I am passionate about helping individuals find peace with food and victory over their conflicts and struggles with food and their bodies. I wholeheartedly believe it’s possible to truly enjoy food, not restrict or deny , and find comfort and satisfaction (even enjoyment) in the way our bodies look and move. In addition, olive oil offers a delicious, satiating and healthy type of fat to almost anything — salads, salad dressings, vegetables, grilled foods, breads, and sauces. Have…